We propose a “different” trip through some of the less unknown, visited cities in Spain. Less popular villages an towns but equally beautiful! If you want to know where these back roads will take us today, don’t miss this post!
This title that we give to our post, sounds more like a song or a movie, right? It is actually both. For instance, a song from a Spanish rock band that we really liked called M-Clan.
Although music and films are very inspiring topics, today we want to talk about traveling and especially, those other places (some of then less popular among tourists) and unknown corners far away from the big cities, that in many cases, still preserve all its cultural essence, traditions and charm.
Every time we go on a trip, particularly to a popular city in Spain such as Barcelona, Madrid, Salamanca … we usually prefer getting lost wandering around, exploring those less popular streets that lead you to the same spot, but in a slower, calmer way. Traveling without stress or tumults is the best way to get to know new places. That is why we always recommend these back roads for our school trips or Spanish language students who visit us in Spain.

Imagine that you are visiting a big city in Andalusia (Spain), such as Seville, Malaga or Granada. Now we are going to take a back road to explore the charm and beauty of the white villages nearby. Mountain villages such as Olvera, Arcos de la Frontera or Setenil de las Bodegas, Nerja are some good examples. Also, the Alpujarram a group of white villages located on the southern slope of the Sierra Nevada is a unique natural environment, mixed with its picturesque architecture, fantastic food and traditions.
Now our back road is approaching to Montefrio, an hour’s drive from the city of Granada with breathtaking landscape and architecture that seduces you from the first moment. We shouldn’t forget the great Renaissance jewels of Spain, the cities of Ubeda and Baeza in the province of Jaén, or the southern region of the province of Cordoba, where we can visit Montilla and its wine cellars or Zuheros.
Imagine that you are now in the north of Spain, the highway would take us to Bilbao, San Sebastián or Santander, though the back roads can take us to fantastic places such as Guernica (the cradle of Basque culture and a town with deep roots), Lekeitio (a fishing village with a charming port) or Zarautz which immense beach invites us to practice an introductory surf course. historic places as the villages of Santillana de Mar, Comillas or puerto de Santoña, when we can pay a visit to their famous anchovies factories.

In Central Spain, we find Madrid, the capital of Spain. Staying in this city gives us the opportunity to visit incredible places around (and not really far away). Small cities such as Segovia and Avila, are monumental as well as very suitable for a day trip. The Granja de San Ildefonso, with its majestic royal summer palace, or the wonderful monument of El Escorial with its Basilica and the Royal Monastery. Our back road through these central regions of Spain can also take us to the medieval town of Pedraza with its castle and well-preserved, severe, stone-built houses.
This is the end of our trip for now. We wanted to give you just a glimpse of the cultural richness of our country. Now we invite you to keep discovering its hidden places through these back roads and of course, you can contact us in case you need some recommendations.
¡Nos vemos por España amig@s!