Viajes Educativos
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¿A qué destino quereis viajar?
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Barcelona Cádiz Granada Granada – Summer Camp (A partir de 16 años) Ibiza Madrid Málaga Sevilla Valencia
Muchas de las actividades que hacemos y muchos de los temas que queremos transmitiros están en las noticias de nuestro blog.
Descubre una experiencia única de viaje educativo con Educatrip, diseñada especialmente para institutos de formación profesional. Sumérgete ...
¿Te gustaría viajar a España sin moverte del sofá de casa? No te pierdas estas 10 ideas ...
Explorando los beneficios de la inmersión cultural y las conexiones locales en los viajes educativos ...
It an educational company run by very enthusiastic and passionate people who really want everybody to enjoy and have a fantastic experience. They are professional, very well organised and super helpful, happy and energetic people.
It was my first time taking students abroad and I can say that Educatrip cares about students, makes everything very safe and they are always ready to help. I really recommend them.
I’m so glad I chose this study abroad program with Educatrip… I feel like not only my Spanish has improved, but I also had the opportunity to immerse myself in a different part of the world and learn about a different culture and learn about different cultures.
If I could, I would do it again!!
This trip made my summer one the best summers I could wish for And I will cherish this experience forever… I learned a lot more Spanish than I thought I’d learn on this trip…
It helped me step out of my comfort zone and it was such an amazing experience!