Educatrip en cifras

Más de 20 años creando experiencias con estudiantes de todo el mundo

Estudiar español Destinos

Estudiar español Destinos

Barcelona Cádiz Granada Granada – Summer Camp (A partir de 16 años) Ibiza Madrid Málaga Sevilla Valencia

Testimonios. Han viajado con nosotros:

Estitxi Singapur

Kaohsiung American School

It an educational company run by very enthusiastic and passionate people who really want everybody to enjoy and have a fantastic experience. They are professional, very well organised and super helpful, happy and energetic people.

It was my first time taking students abroad and I can say that Educatrip cares about students, makes everything very safe and they are always ready to help. I really recommend them.

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Testimonios. Han viajado con nosotros:

Brianna Foster

East Caroline University

I’m so glad I chose this study abroad program with Educatrip… I feel like not only my Spanish has improved, but I also had the opportunity to immerse myself in a different part of the world and learn about a different culture and learn about different cultures.

If I could, I would do it again!!

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Testimonios. Han viajado con nosotros:

Jordan Cotton

East Caroline University

This trip made my summer one the best summers I could wish for And I will cherish this experience forever… I learned a lot more Spanish than I thought I’d learn on this trip…

It helped me step out of my comfort zone and it was such an amazing experience!

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