Linguistic trips to Santiago de Compostela

The right path


We organize customized programs for any number of participants and teachers.

These prices vary depending on activities and type of accommodation chosen.

Santiago de Compostela and Galicia are popular destinations for many foreigners who visit Spain.

They are also highly appreciated by our students because, in addition to their monuments, such as the striking pilgrimage site of Santiago’s cathedral, they are the green areas of Spain, with charming villages and delicious food.

You also have the Galician people (Gallegos) who are very friendly and welcoming and in love with their land and traditions.

You can enjoy visits to the Cathedral, the historic buildings of the University and the Contemporary Art Museum.

Trips to Pontevedra, Combarro, Vigo, etc.

Included in the price

  • Standard program with limited amount of activities.
  • Program for 40 students and 3 teachers.
  • Prices per student.
  • Trip and itinerary planning.
  • Check-in at destination city or cities by Educatrip staff.
  • Reservation and entrance to different monuments, activities, etc.
  • Homestay with full board and lodging during the entire stay in all destination cities (except Bilbao and Santiago de Compostela).
  • Guided tours depending on the program.
  • Accompanying teachers are free-of-charge.
  • 24 hours assistance and supervision throughout the stay.

Not included in the price

  • Contacting air or ground transportation to Spain for information.
  • Transportation to destination.
  • Full room & board accommodation at youth hostels or hotels.
  • Repatriation insurance (can be purchased separately).
  • Health insurance (can be purchased separately).
  • All charges associated with bank transfers. The corresponding commission will be paid by the group.